You're a Canadian when....
- You say ‘sorry’ when someone else bumps into you.
You may be a Canadian if you’ve used a hockey stick, or roll of duct tape for an emergency repair.
- You’ve had a full-blown argument over who has better coffee between Tim Hortons and McDonalds.
- You’ve experienced all four seasons in one day… and just shrugged it off.
- You may be a Canadian when you instinctively hold the door open for someone who’s still 20 feet away.
You don’t even flinch when the price of gas changes by 10 cents overnight.
- You barbecue in the middle of winter.
You know ‘milk in a bag’ isn’t weird, but the way Americans react to it is.
You pause playing hockey, and move the goalie net when somebody yells “Car!”.
- And the last sign that you're a Canadian is, you whisper ‘thank you’ when your car starts in -30°C, like it just did you a personal favour.
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